Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
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Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
Next date: Sunday, 23 March 2025 | 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM
High Tea in the grounds of the Museum from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
A scrumptious array of hot and cold delicacies served on beautiful period china with a glass of bubbles, tea and coffee.
The bar will be open for additional beverage but please, no BYO.
Jindera Pioneer Museum, 118 Urana Street, Jindera, 2642, View Map
118 Urana Street , Jindera 2642
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