Council Meetings

Schedule of Council Meetings



Wednesday, 14 August 2024 Council Chambers, Culcairn 
Wednesday, 18 September 2024  Community Meeting Room, Holbrook


Click here to download the 2023 - 2024 schedule of Council Meetings.(PDF, 329KB)

Public Forums

The monthly meetings commence with a Public Forum.

Persons wishing to address Council in the forum must register by submitting a written application. The conduct of the forum is governed by the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. 

Please note new rules outlined below apply to:

  • persons participating in the Public Forum
  • persons attending Council meetings

Residents wanting to participate in the Public Forum – please note conditions below:

  • Preference will be given to residents that wish to address Council in the Public Forum
  • In the Public Forum - residents will only be able to address Council on reports that are included in the Agenda papers for the particular meeting. The timeframe for registration will still be in accordance with the current Code of Meeting Practice (written application to speak must be received by 5pm Monday of the meeting week).
  • Initially Council will take registrations from 1 person for and 1 person against an item in the Agenda papers based on a first in, first served basis.  Additional people may be able to address Council in the Public Forum.


Application forms are also available at any Council Office.


Persons Attending Meetings

People who wish to attend the meeting in person please note:

  • People may register to attend the Council meeting in the public gallery and should any additional spaces be available residents will be accepted in order of registration. Registrations to attend the meeting in the public gallery must be provided to Council by 5pm on the Tuesday prior to the meeting.
  • Residents will be advised by 10am on the morning of the meeting as to whether they have the capacity to attend the meeting in the public gallery.


Live Streaming of Council Meetings

Council live streams meetings so that the public may view the proceedings of the meeting in real time or later.

The YouTube page is currently being re-organised. If you are having trouble finding one of our video recordings please click on the 'Live' tab to view all past meetings or email for assistance.

View the recording of the meeting at

For more information please contact Council on T: 02 6036 0100 

Council meetings commence at 6.00 pm, residents of the Shire are encouraged to view the meeting by live streaming on our youtube channel.  Video recordings of each meeting are provided with minutes and agendas of each meeting. 

Greater Hume Council Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 4MB)

Agendas and Minutes

Agenda, minutes and video recordings of meetings are available for viewing below.

Please note some documents may be large and could take some time to open. If you have difficulty please contact a Council Office to obtain a copy of the document


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