Click below for current road and facility closures in Greater Hume.For all emergency help in flood or storm call SES 132 500.
Live Traffic NSW
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance work to the Spirit of Wymah Ferry. Wymah Ferry will be closed until further notice.
Limelight Burrumbuttock is a FREE, family-friendly event comprising enticing, delightful artworks handpicked from Limelight 3.0 specifically fro Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre. Combining the creative skills and ideas that intersect art practice, science experiments and light displays this is an experience for all ages.
Follow the trail located in the Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre and discover interactive music making, solar powered constellations created by local primary school students, and to even take a selfie in your very own hot air balloon.
Burrumbuttock-Mud-Map.png(PNG, 373KB)
Burrumbuttock Limelight FAQs(PDF, 4MB)
Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre, Burrumbuttock