Section 10.7 Planning Certificate

A Section 10.7 Planning Certificate provides you with information about the development potential of a parcel of land. They are usually required upon the sale or purchase of a property.

There are two types of Section 10.7 Planning Certificates:

  1. A 10.7(2) Certificate shows:
    • the zoning of the property
    • the relevant state, regional and local planning controls
    • whether you can carry out complying development on your land
    • other property constraints such as land contamination, level of flooding and bushfire-prone land.
  2. A 10.7(2) and (5) Certificate provides the same information, and also includes other details that apply to the land such as:
    • advice from other authorities
    • development approvals
    • policies
    • contributions plans.

Although a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate identifies all the relevant planning documents that apply to a property, it does not specify development standards or terms of the instruments.

A planning certificate is not a development approval. If you're looking to do development on your land, you'll need to submit a Development Application to get approval from Council.

We cannot provide you with advice on which planning certificate you'll require - this will depend on your individual circumstances.

Please seek independent professional or legal advice.

How to apply for a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate

You can follow these steps to apply for a planning certificate:

  1. Complete the application form:
  2. If you need an urgent planning certificate, you can pay an urgency fee indicated on the form and we will process it within the allotted time frame.
  3. We will process your application within five working days and email the certificate to you.